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Re: gnome 2.6 -> no more .Xmodmap


On 05.06.2004 16:34, Magnus Therning wrote:
My .Xmodmap looks like this:

keycode 0x48 =	aring		Aring
keycode 0x49 =	adiaeresis	Adiaeresis
keycode 0x4A =	odiaeresis	Odiaeresis

That is I map some typically Swedish characters on some function keys.
Anyone with an idea of how to achieve it now that Gnome complains about

I had a similar problem two days ago ... my solution might be somewhat hardcore but it's working. I have a US-Layout Keyboard and wanted to be able to generate letters like äöüß but without falling back to deadkeys.

So I adapeted the given us layout and created my own file /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/pc/custom_us

In /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 I changed Option "XKBLayout" "us" to Option "XKBLayout" "custom_us"

Then started gconf-editor and changed the key /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/xkb/layouts to custom_us as well.

After that all my settings worked just as I wanted.

As I said before: a brutal solution but meets my needs.

Here is my custom_us file:

partial default alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "basic" {

    // based upon US Keyboard with 104 keys (euro-layout)
    include "us(pc104euro)"
    name[Group1]= "US/ASCII";
    name[Group2]= "International customized";

    // Umlaute
    override key <AD07> { [ u, U  ], [ udiaeresis, Udiaeresis ] };
    override key <AD09> { [ o, O  ], [ odiaeresis, Odiaeresis ] };
    override key <AC01> { [ a, A  ], [ adiaeresis, Adiaeresis ] };
    override key <AC02> { [ s, S  ], [ ssharp, section ] };

    // Currency Symbols
    override key <AE05> { [ 5, percent ], [ EuroSign, cent ] };
    override key <AD03> { [ e, E  ], [ EuroSign, cent] };

    // Extra Characters
    override key <AD04> { [ r, R ], [ registered ] };
    override key <AB03> { [ c, C ], [ copyright ] };
    override key <AD05> { [ t, T ], [ trademark ] };
    override key <AB07> { [ m, M ], [ mu ] };

    // Accents
    override key <AE06> { [ 6, asciicircum ], [] };
    override key <AC11> { [ apostrophe, quotedbl ], [] };
    override key <TLDE> { [ grave, asciitilde ], [] };
    override key <AE10> { [ 0, parenright ], [ degree ] };
    override key <AB08> { [ comma, less ], [] };
    override key <AB09> { [ period, greater ], [] };
    override key <AB10> { [ slash, question ], [] };


Maybe this is of help for you.

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