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Re: Working with smb files

Le ven 21/05/2004 à 10:54, Johannes Rohr a écrit :
> Am Thu, 20 May 2004 23:20:12 +0200 schrieb Luis M:
> > On Thu, 2004-05-20 at 18:25 +0000, Jeff Rasmussen wrote:
> > [snip]
> >> I can browse the folders and I can copy the file to the Desktop. It looks like
> >> Nautilus is telling AbiWord or Gnumeric to open
> >> smb://ip_address/folder/document.doc which it can't.
> >> 
> > 
> > That's exactly what Nautilus is doing.
> No, it doesn't. It simply looks up the information the repective app has
> published about itself, i.e. in this case
> /usr/share/application-registry/abiword.applications:
> abiword
>         requires_terminal=false
>         expects_uris=false
>         command=abiword
>         can_open_multiple_files=true
>         name=AbiWord Word Processor
>         mime_types=application/x-abiword,application/msword,application/rtf,application/wordperfect5.1,application/x-applix-word,application/vnd.palm,application/x-palm-database,text/abiword,text/plain,text/richtext,text/rtf,text/vnd.wap.wml,text/*
> Applications that handle gnome-vfs URIs should have an extra line here:
> "uses_gnomevfs=true", plus "expects_uris" should be set to "true.
> > You should file a bug (upstream)
> > for AbiWord or GnuMeric. Since they probably use gnome-vfs* functions to
> > access files, they might as well support URI's and not just local path.
> > 
> > But, they might have reasons why that has not been implemented (yet)...
> Besides nautilus, the only app to support gnome-vfs URIs is gedit, more
> exactly only the very recent 2.6.1 release of it. (See gnome 2.6.1 release
> notes)
I've heard that OOo patched by Ximian does too. Didn't test it myself,

> _All_ others still have to do their homework. That's a very poor picture.

> But given that the new file selector, supporting GNOME URIs (try Ctrl-l in
> the file selector of gedit 2.6.1 and type in smb://) has only just been
> released with Gtk+ 2.4, this is just natural, probably.
> Thanks,
> Johannes

Jérôme Warnier

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