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Unwanted double click in X and Mozilla

Hello there.

Though I don't know if this issue is Gnome related, I ask the question
here. Feel free to redirect me to the right place if needed.

I use 100% debian gnome desktop (nothing self compiled) and I've
noticed recently that _sometimes_ a single left click behaves as a double one.

The most of the time it occurs in mozilla-thunderbird (for instance when
clicking on a mail subject, the mail popup is open as if i had double clicked on it).

I've also noticed that bug on xmms when single clicking on a track, the
track is played.

If anyone has an idea how I can solve this _very annoying_ issue, I
would be grateful :)




* Alexis Sukrieh <sukria@sukria.net> 
* http://www.sukria.net    
"All mail clients suck. Mutt just sucks less." - http://www.mutt.org

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