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Re: Work-needing packages report for Sep 12, 2003

Jeff Waugh <jdub@perkypants.org> writes:

>> > Never heard of this, but from the Debian description, it's a competitor to
>> > gnucash. I wonder how many people use it?
>> French people use it. GTK 2 port has been started in cvs.
> Wow, I've just mentioned this on IRC, and just about all of the French
> hackers knew all about it. I wonder whether the two projects can work
> together at all? Hmm...

I can say more about Grisbi since I'm also involved in its upstream
team.  Grisbi is not very known because it has been developed by a
French team that had no interest in translation or localization.  Part
of my work was to get it internationalized and first English-speaking
version was released in July.  That's why non-French people do not
really know Grisbi, moreover I regularly bother my pals about it on
#debian-devel-fr :-).  We are seeking for cooperation with English
speaking developers to review our translation, which is unfortunately
quite bad.

Speaking of GTK2 port, it has been started this summer, but it just
takes time.  Of course, we could have tried just to use compatibility
functions and make a new release, but we have some custom widgets and
several changes in GTK paradigms introduced a lot of instability.  As
we are dealing with a financial application, we have a slow release
cycle and then we expect a new release in about three months.


 ; ;' ;      Debian GNU/Linux     |   Benjamin Drieu
 `. `'    http://www.debian.org/  |  <benj@debian.org>

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