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Bug#877900: general: en-us locale defaults to 24-hour "military" time on stock install

On Sat, Oct 07, 2017 at 07:17:56AM +0200, Adam Borowski wrote:
[time formats]
> * en_US (.UTF-8) is used as the default English locale for all places that
>   don't have a specific variant (and often even then).  Generally, technical
>   users use English as a system locale as translations of computing terms
>   tend to be a horror show: for example, in Polish even such a basic term
>   as "file" has two versions ("zbiór" — correct, and "plik" — Microsoftese)
>   that are not intelligible between some groups of people.  Anything more
>   complex gets bad enough that no one bothers translating advanced technical
>   documentation or running servers (rather than user-facing systems) in
>   pl_PL locale.  And as far as I know, same applies to most languages.

Yes, but this bug is about time formats, not about messages -- i.e.,
it's about LC_TIME, not about LC_MESSAGES. It's perfectly possible to
set LC_TIME to pl_PL, and LC_MESSAGES to en_US if that's what you want.

(same with other things, like LC_PAPER or LC_MONETARY, that would differ
between those regions)

Meanwhile, I think that indeed setting LC_TIME to en_US should result in
the time format most common in the region served by that locale.

Could you people please use IRC like normal people?!?

  -- Amaya Rodrigo Sastre, trying to quiet down the buzz in the DebConf 2008

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