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Bug#502430: Updated Argentina data


I don't know where to find the source packages uploaded to propsed, however, looking at http://www.marga.com.ar/~marga/debian/tzdata/tzdata_2008e-1etch3.diff.gz it seems to me that some of the data is still not right...

Jujuy appears as not applying DST this year and at least the official Decrees say it will.

FWIW, I compiled what, to my best knowledge, is all the updated zoneinfo information for Argentina as of this morning's Boletín Oficial in http://wiki.clueless.com.ar/ActualizarTimezonesConTzdata?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=argentina-baby-2008-10-17.zoneinfo

This has a new timezone America/Argentina/Salta. The source has information about what Province uses which timezone.

I also published the Province=>timezone mapping at http://wiki.clueless.com.ar/ActualizarTimezonesConTzdata#provincia_tz_baby

I sent the same data as a patch to the tzdata2008h.tar.gz last published in http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.time.tz/2346/focus=2410


Mariano Absatz - "El Baby"

Errors have been made. Others will be blamed.
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