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Bug#185136: no pthread man pages altough pkg description says that they are included

Le Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 11:24:36PM +0900, GOTO Masanori écrivait:
> I get a following bug report: Bug#185136.  This bug report says "the
> list of files in glibc-doc 2.3.1-14" via packages.debian.org web
> page does not show /usr/share/man/man3/* pthread manpages.  See:
> http://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?searchmode=filelist&word=glibc-doc&version=unstable
> Actually glibc-doc 2.3.1-14 has such manpages.
> 	gotom@celesta:~> dpkg -L glibc-doc | grep /usr/share/man/man3/pthread
> 	/usr/share/man/man3/pthread_cancel.3.gz
> 	/usr/share/man/man3/pthread_key_delete.3.gz
> 	/usr/share/man/man3/pthread_setspecific.3.gz
> Is it packages.debian.org problem?  I don't know where I should send
> this report to, so I mail you.  Could you enlighten me?

I'm responsible of packages.qa.debian.org and not packages.debian.org.
debian-www@lists.debian.org is the correct contact for
http://packages.debian.org AFAIK.

They should be able to help you.

Raphaël Hertzog -+- http://www.ouaza.com
Formation Linux et logiciel libre : http://www.logidee.com

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