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Re: Why does libgeotiff-dev depend on libtiff5-dev ?

On Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 10:00:26PM +0100, Alastair McKinstry wrote:
> I'm unfamiliar with the history of libtiff4 / tiff5, but libgd-dev depends on libtiff-dev ; 
> can anyone answer:
> (1) why does libgeotiff-dev depend on libtiff5-dev?

Because it needs a working bigtiff support, which is only provided by libtiff5

> (2) why libtiff5-dev not provide the virtual libtiff-dev?

Because in wheezy the tiff maintainer would not accept the migration to the
current library for all rdeps, which is understandable. The 5 flavor is of
primary interest for gis-related programs.  Something that definitevely needs to be managed
for jessie, because sometimes one could need to link gis-related and other
libraries. To support that decision let me remember all of you that tiff5 is
compatible at source level with tiff4.

Francesco P. Lovergine

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