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Google Summer of Code, working for you


by way of a head's-up, the UbuntuGIS team have secured a
Google Summer of Code student to work for the summer improving
and updating their .deb packaging, and with an eye to setting
up a repository for new software releases backported to Wheezy.

"Enhancements to the DebianGIS and UbuntuGIS packages and


Jérôme starts coding shortly, mentored by Alan and Daniel. The
more we help the better results for everyone.

see some community wishlist and discussion of goals here:

I believe the UbuntuGIS mailing list should be the primary
place for discussions about the project itself. It involves
us, and there's a good chance that one of $your packages will
be altered, so I hope interested parties will be available to
give Jérôme a hand when he needs it and provide some guidance
about what we want pushed upstream to us and what our DebianGIS-
stack plans are. (no point in duplicated effort or lots of work
put into an area which we've taken a strategic decision to bypass)

the timing wrt the debian release cycle is pretty great, I hope
we can make good use of this opportunity.

Communication, as always, is key.

OSGeo Google Summer of Code co-admin
OSGeo Live-DVD chief-somethingorrather

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