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[Freedombox-discuss] FreedomBox/Unhosted/PageKite for Access Innovation Prize 2012

To be honest, I have never built a Debian package nor am I deeply familiar
with the process.

But all the pieces we're considering have Debian packages, i.e. PageKite,
OLSRd, and for Unhosted there is OwnCloud, which has been considered a
number of times on this list already.

There really isn't much new about the proposal, just to help assemble a few
things to the point where they can be demo'd at events and understood by
It would help show the public that FreedomBox is real..


On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 1:49 PM, Melvin Carvalho
<melvincarvalho at gmail.com>wrote:

> On 30 June 2012 13:03, Markus Sabadello <markus at projectdanube.org> wrote:
>> Heya,
>> So back in May, when I did a FreedomBox-related demo<http://blog.projectdanube.org/2012/05/freedombox-at-the-internet-identity-workshop/>at the Internet Identity Workshop, I was made aware of the Access movement,
>> which hosted the recent RightsCon and is also doing a lot of other great
>> work.
>> They are now calling for proposals for the Access Innovation Prize<https://www.accessnow.org/prize>where you can win $20k.
>> So Michiel of Unhosted, Bjarni of PageKite, and myself have decided to
>> submit a proposal, which would include building a simple FreedomBox
>> prototype that runs an Unhosted "remoteStorage" component and PageKite to
>> make it accessible from the open web. Also, the idea is to try integrate
>> FreedomBox with the local FunkFeuer community mesh network in Vienna. We
>> haven't submitted the proposal yet (deadline is August 15th), but here's
>> the current text we're working on:
>> http://projectdanube.pbworks.com/w/page/54796496/Access%20Innovation%20Prize%202012
>> Basically, the idea is that you could use any Unhosted-enabled web
>> application out there, and your data remains on your FreedomBox.
>> I know that on the other thread there's a discussion about leadership and
>> about joining in.
>> I had all these questions too since I started working with FreedomBox,
>> e.g. when I did demos, I wasn't sure to what extent I could speak
>> "officially" about FreedomBox, how I could get involved, etc.
>> In light of current criticism and allegations of vaporware, I think the
>> answer is simply that everybody with ideas and resources should try to get
>> something done in whatever way works.
>> Anyway, so if we win the prize, then this could serve a few purposes..
>> 1. The three of us would have some $$$ to actively work and contribute to
>> the FreedomBox at least for a little while.
>> 2. The stuff we would work on (putting Unhosted and PageKite on the box)
>> seems to align well with the "DropBox Replacement" idea that has been
>> floating around.
>> 3. We would have an actual (limited functionality, but working)
>> FreedomBox, and a minimal viable product that can be demo'd at conferences.
>> 4. The prize would mean a PR boost for the involved projects.
>> What do you think..?
> Will there be a debian package for this prototype?
>> Markus
>> --
>> Project Danube: http://projectdanube.org
>> Personal Data Ecosystem Consortium: http://personaldataecosystem.org/
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