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[Freedombox-discuss] legal problem w/ Twitter (et al.)

On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 01:59:15PM -0700, Thomas Lord wrote:
>In order to use the Twit API, a program must use an authentication key 
>(called "consumer key and secret") assigned to the software program 
>using the key.

I have setup my identi.ca account to mirror into my twitter account.

I have no authentication key.  Just use the abilities of those existing 

>The FacB API also requires some sort of developer key.

I write (since shortly - took me ages to get started) blog entries and 
have told my Facebook account to mirror them.

I have no authentication key.  Just use the abilities of that existing 

What I do is treat Twitter and FreedomBox not as privacy zones of mine, 
but instead treat them as data silos interesting in sucking public stuff 
- so I let it suck some public stuff so that my poor friends locking 
themselves up in those data silos get a few glimpses of my practicing 
Free Speech.

For Facebook I found a blog aggregator app which sucks in only excerpts, 
not the full blog entries, which encourages Facebook users stumbling 
acrooss my posts via Facebook to get out into the larger internet to 
read the full stories.

I want my FreedomBox to function as a blogging tool.  Both targeted 
public and (in a later version when WebID gets sorted out and 
integrated) various privacy spheres.

I do *not* want my FreedomBox to distort the perception of "privacy" by 
leaking(!) anything targeted a private sphere onto Facebook as well.  
Which means I see no reason for FreedomBox to provide any linkage to 
Facebook, since Facebook already has a gazillion ways to suck in public 
stuff all by itself - especially stuff served on a silver plate like RSS 
and Atom data is.

  - Jonas

  * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
  * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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