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Re: Debian & LinuxWorld? - How's it coming along? Help? Wiki?

As we've now been told that we'll actually have a booth at LWCESF,
I'll go ahead and get stuff rolling here.

On Wed, 24 May 2006, Don Armstrong wrote:
> On Wed, 24 May 2006, Hereon wrote:
> > Is someone going to set up a wiki or something to help
> > coordinate/organize the Debian presence there?
> It'll probably be on wiki.debconf.org once things get closer; I
> haven't started anything since there's nothing to report yet.


is the wiki page where this all will be coordinated. If you can
volunteer to staff the booth, please fill in your name and the
date/times which you can volunteer. Just put your first name in your
table, and your full name+e-mail (obfuscated if you want it
obfuscated) in the bit imediately below.
> > Does anyone (Hans? Don?) need or would like some help?
> I think we'll need help soon, but I don't want to start asking for
> too much help until I know exactly what is going on there, and what
> we need. [But start thinking of things to show off Debian in the
> booth is a good idea, assuming we actually get Debian there. I'm
> going to try to get some sponsors for pressed DVDs to boot
> i386/ppc/amd64 sarge/testing if I get the chance.[1]]

I'm still very much interested in doing this. Does anyone know of any
company who uses Debian or otherwise who would be interested in
sponsoring this? I figure 5 sponsors of ~ $1K a piece for logo space
on the DVD is reasonable; we'll give them away if we get sponsors, so
the sponsor's name will be spread about. [If we don't get sponsors,
I'll try to dig up some CDs from vendors.]

Don Armstrong

Where I sleep at night, is this important compared to what I read
during the day? What do you think defines me? Where I slept or what I
did all day?
 -- Thomas Van Orden of Van Orden v. Perry

http://www.donarmstrong.com              http://rzlab.ucr.edu

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