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Re: using Debian money to buy and handle booth stuff (Re: Disappointment about the appearance of our CLT booth)

Am 23.03.2009 um 18:38 schrieb Luca Capello:

Hi there!

Bcc:ing Rene, I guess he is subscribed, but I cannot check.

On Mon, 23 Mar 2009 17:35:47 +0100, Rene Stegmaier wrote:
Debian owns a beamer, 3 machines, hundres of posters, t-shirts  and
whatever else. :-)
This stuff is at credativ office.

Point 0, which I have already asked for: can (at least part of) this
information be put somewhere on the Debian pages?

another interesting question:
is there a standardized process for giving stuff out and putting stuff in?
who is in charge of that?



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