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[linux@marcrenearns.de: LinuxTag 2007: patronage of Wolfgang Schäuble may damage opensource image]

I guess, this is better sent & read here.



----- Forwarded message from Marc Rene Arns <linux@marcrenearns.de> -----

From: Marc Rene Arns <linux@marcrenearns.de>
To: linux@marcrenearns.de
Subject: LinuxTag 2007: patronage of Wolfgang Schäuble may damage opensource image
Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 15:51:44 +0200

Dear opensource representatives!

Traditionally, the german ministry of the interior has been taking patronage 
for the german LinuxTag (LinuxDay).
Some people think this is a good way to help spreading opensource software.

However, the current minister of the interior has been propagating the total 
control over digital communication and the decrease in personal rights as 
guaranteed in the german constitution.

Recently he proposed a governmental trojan horse "Bundestrojaner" that should 
be developed by the police to collect data from (also innocent) people to 
allow the prevention of crime. 

>From Wikipedia ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfgang_Schäuble ):

"In March 2007, federal interior minister Schäuble declared in an interview, 
that in his view the application of presumption of innocence should not be 
applied, when there was a chance to prevent acts of terrorism that way; 
however, the assumption of innocence is granted in article 20 of the german 

So, to sum it up: For many people in Germany Wolfgang Schäuble stands for the 
total governmental surveillance and seems to act as an enemy of some human 
rights, such as freedom of speech. For a lot of people he is also considered 
to be against the spirit of opensource (even if he propagate the usage of it 
as being cheap). 

To get an impression of that you may want to google for "Stasi 2.0". (To know 
what Stasi is, please read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stasi )

That's why I think he is no capable patron of the LinuxDay in Berlin.

There have been sent a lot of emails recently to the organisation of the 
LinuxTag, so they felt the need to make a statement. You may read it here (in 

In short they state that the focus of the Linux Day is to spread opensource 
software and not to discuss politics and that there is a long tradition in 
cooperation with the interior ministry. So they are currently not willing to 
revoke the patronage.

If you want to keep damage from the reputation of the opensource movement,
I suggest to inform yourself about the issue and communicate with the 
representatives of your community participating in the LinuxTag 2007, 
especially the speakers, to ask the LinuxDay to either revoke the patronage 
or cancel the participation.

You may contact the organization of the LinuxDay here:

Here are the schedules:




You may have noticed that my english is not the best and so I thank you for 
the patience to decipher what I meant to say.

Yes it's a political issue and yes it is specific to germany but I think the 
situation in germany is becoming a "special" one, where the human rights 
guaranteed  in german constitution need to be defended against the attacs of 
the government and Mr. Schäuble is leading these attacs.

Please discuss this.

Kind Regards,

M.R. Arns

----- End forwarded message -----

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