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Call for Talks for the Debian Devroom at FOSDEM 2007


Turns out the Ubuntu people had actually only asked for a booth, not for
a devroom, which is not what the FOSDEM organizers understood. That
probably means we will get a full weekend after all, unless the FOSDEM
organizers come up with another group they want to team us up with (I
don't expect this to happen).

I should note that I haven't had official confirmation that we'll get a
devroom at all either, but let's say that at this point I'd be pretty
surprised if they suddenly announced not to have space for us.

So, here's my official request for talks. This is not a call for papers
(I hate reading papers ;), it's a call for talks. The rules will be
pretty similar to last year's rules: you submit a title and your name as
you wish it to appear on the schedule, one or two paragraphs describing
your talk and your relation to the subject (enough for me or someone
else to give a short introduction), and the time it will take you to
hold it (not more than one hour, please). Talks that fit the
requirements ("must be about Debian", "must target an audience familiar
with the technology and/or community aspects of Debian") will be
accepted on a first come, first serve basis.

Talk proposals should be sent to wouter@debian.org, and should take care
to mention the word "FOSDEM" in the subject, so that my mail filters
know what it's about. Other than the FCFS rule, there is no deadline.

<Lo-lan-do> Home is where you have to wash the dishes.
  -- #debian-devel, Freenode, 2004-09-22

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