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Re: First draft of the LinuxTag-booth

Thimo Neubauer wrote:
> ( - the sparc is in principle interesting for universities, too, but
>    as "SparcStation 4" hasn't got an UltraSparc-processor, does it? If
>    someone is interested in Debian on Sun computers, he'll be more
>    interested in newer machines...)

I need to make a remark here as well: Last year, we've got a loaned
Sun machine from Sun - and Sun will have their own booth this time.
Ben and me should be able to cram out the contact from last year to
ask for a machine and conditions.

However, before we can ask them, we need to ensure that we
definitively will be using and demoing the machine if we get one.  It
doesn't make sense to just ask them and the forget about them or
telling them later that we don't want the machine.

However^2: It's late already, and it may be possible that no demo
machine would be available in time.



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