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dpkg-cross 1.99+2.0.0pre2

The diversions are gone. History.

To use pre2, you'll need two patches to dpkg (attached) which I am
continuing to test before submitting to debian-dpkg@l.d.o. There is a
third patch (changelog) that just creates a separate version so that the
patched version will be replaced by the next release of dpkg. (Ignore
the lintian warnings about the version string.)

The patches are (almost) trivial so I'm sure I'm missing something (!)
(like some corner cases involving $crossroot) but the old scripts are
retained in /usr/share/dpkg-cross so bespoke implementations can still
be achieved.

The main changes are in dpkg-cross pre2.

1. Depends on binutils-multiarch : allows the diversions to be removed
with very small (PATH and environment) changes to dpkg-dev, removing
the need for all the customised objdump code used by the dpkg-shlibdeps
diversion. Essentially, the dpkg-dev versions of dpkg-buildpackage and
dpkg-shlibdeps work precisely as with a native build, except that the
PATH and environment changes allow them to find the cross building data.

2. Older %pkgvars code and $crosstools has been circumvented.
$crossroot is also not currently implemented. I'll continue to look
after the /usr/share/dpkg-cross scripts but I need information on how
people want to use them with $crossroot and %scope as well as exactly
where and how they need to be changed. Please test with pre2 because
there have been so many changes that most of the "legacy" code may not
function in the same was as with dpkg-cross << 1.39.

3. When changing the dependency chain, I'm thinking that we should be
able to install the $arch-cross version of our own binaries that
implement the dependency changes. e.g. if libfoo depends on libbar in
Debian but not in Emdebian, installing the Emdebian libfoo via
dpkg-cross will provide the correct data to dpkg-shlibdeps by putting
the adjusted .so in /usr/arm-linux-gnu/lib/ where the non-diverted
dpkg-buildpackage will read the pkgconfig data and binutils-multiarch
will be able to process the shlibdeps. Let me know if this is wrong. ;-)

The emphasis of this rewrite has been a change of focus in dpkg-cross -
to concentrate on the core code of preparing pkg-arch-cross and give as
much of the build process back to dpkg.

This means that a "default" Emdebian cross-build is as close to a
Debian native build as possible, which is likely to raise new bugs in
packages that may have cross-built successfully in the past. I believe
that the pain of this change is worthwhile because:

a) we gain significant benefits from the updates in dpkg since
dpkg-cross first diverted dpkg-buildpackage and particularly

b) it makes it easier for Debian developers to understand dpkg-cross if
it is only PATH and $ENV{} that have changed. This makes (or should
make) cross-building bugs easier to replicate and test without the
concerns of diverting the dpkg scripts (which has been a cause of
concern with non-crossbuilding DD's when trying to fix cross-build

pre2 is now ready in CVS and I'll probably upload to Debian
experimental tonight. apt-cross 0.2.9 (apt-nc-cross branch)
and emdebian-tools 0.3.9 work with pre2. I may well merge the
apt-nc-cross branch into trunk this week and upload apt-cross 0.2.9
+0.3.0pre1 to Debian experimental.

pre2 closes all but one of the dpkg-cross bugs - the one remaining bug
(#285569) relates to cross-building perl and if anyone wants to
investigate that one, feel free. ;-)

pre3 will complete the rewrite by migrating more functions from
dpkg-cross into Debian::DpkgCross so that the final objectives of the
rewrite can be achieved:

1) make the converted filenames available via the module

2) allow apt-cross to --build without forking dpkg-cross

3) allow apt-cross to provide a --simulate option for --install that
dpkg-cross cannot support directly.


Neil Williams

--- dpkg-1.14.5/scripts/dpkg-buildpackage.sh	2007-08-27 13:14:12.000000000 +0100
+++ dpkg.new/scripts/dpkg-buildpackage.sh	2007-08-27 13:14:49.000000000 +0100
@@ -84,6 +84,18 @@
+if [ -f /usr/share/dpkg-cross/buildcross ]; then
+ . /usr/share/dpkg-cross/buildcross
+function enhance_cross {
+	if [ $DPKGCROSSENABLE -gt 0 ]; then
+		setup_cross
+	fi
 while [ $# != 0 ]
 	value="`echo x\"$1\" | sed -e 's/x--.*=//;s/^x-.//'`"
@@ -104,7 +116,7 @@
 	-us)	signsource=: ;;
 	-uc)	signchanges=: ;;
 	-ap)	usepause="true";;
-	-a*)    targetarch="$value"; checkbuilddep=false ;;
+	-a*)    targetarch="$value"; checkbuilddep=false; enhance_cross ;;
 	-si)	sourcestyle=-si ;;
 	-sa)	sourcestyle=-sa ;;
 	-sd)	sourcestyle=-sd ;;
@@ -181,7 +193,7 @@
 	if test "$signinterface" = "gpg" ; then
 		(cat "../$1" ; echo "") | \
 		$signcommand --local-user "${signkey:-$maintainer}" --clearsign --armor \
-			--textmode  > "../$1.asc" 
+			--textmode  > "../$1.asc"
 		$signcommand -u "${signkey:-$maintainer}" +clearsig=on -fast <"../$1" \
@@ -226,7 +238,7 @@
 	cd ..; withecho dpkg-source $passopts $diffignore $tarignore -b "$dirn"; cd "$dirn"
 if [ x$sourceonly = x ]; then
-	withecho debian/rules build 
+	withecho debian/rules build
 	withecho $rootcommand debian/rules $binarytarget
 if [ "$usepause" = "true" ] && \
@@ -251,7 +263,7 @@
 	set -e
 	return $fir
 if fileomitted '\.deb'; then
--- dpkg.new/debian/changelog	2007-08-27 13:04:42.000000000 +0100
+++ dpkg-1.14.5/debian/changelog	2007-08-27 13:24:56.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+dpkg ( unstable; urgency=low
+  * Dummy entry to test the patches.
+  * Include patches to support removal of dpkg-cross diversions
+  for dpkg-buildpackage and dpkg-shlibdeps
+ -- Neil Williams <codehelp@debian.org>  Mon, 27 Aug 2007 12:58:20 +0100
 dpkg (1.14.5) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Guillem Jover ]
--- dpkg-1.14.5/scripts/dpkg-shlibdeps.pl	2007-08-27 13:14:06.000000000 +0100
+++ dpkg.new/scripts/dpkg-shlibdeps.pl	2007-08-27 13:16:46.000000000 +0100
@@ -75,6 +75,16 @@
 "), $progname, join("/",@depfields);
+# detect cross-compilation
+my $result = `dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH`;
+my $host_arch = $result;
+$result = `dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_ARCH`;
+my $target_arch = $result;
+my $use_cross = 0;
+$use_cross = 1 if ($host_arch ne $target_arch);
 my ($stdout, @exec, @execfield);
 foreach (@ARGV) {
     if (m/^-T/) {
@@ -134,8 +144,16 @@
-my @librarypaths = qw( /lib /usr/lib /lib32 /usr/lib32 /lib64 /usr/lib64
-		       /emul/ia32-linux/lib /emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib );
+my $crossprefix = '/';
+if ($use_cross)
+	$crossprefix = `dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE`;
+	chomp($crossprefix);
+	$crossprefix = "$crossprefix/";
+my @librarypaths = ( "${crossprefix}lib", "/usr/${crossprefix}lib", "${crossprefix}lib32",
+		"/usr/${crossprefix}lib32", "${crossprefix}lib64", "/usr/${crossprefix}lib64",
+		"/emul/ia32-linux/lib", "/emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib" );
 my %librarypaths = map { $_ => 'default' } @librarypaths;

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