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Re: [report] "gateway" installation for amd64 dual NIC machine using 2019-05-13 image.

Dear Wolfgang Schweer and Debian Edu team,

On 5/16/19 8:42 PM, Wolfgang Schweer wrote:
23. Boot "main machine" to check "gateway".

     router -> eth0:gateway:eth1 -> L2 -> - "main server"

     * sudo ping shows 100% packet loss.
     * ip route shows,
       default via dev eth 0 onlink dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src
     * No Internet connection available.

After rebooting the machine, the eth0 and eth1 order might have switched
due to some different onboard chip activation order. This has sometimes
been an issue with those legacy interface names in the past.

The new naming scheme makes the interface order persistent between
reboots. If you use those names, you also have to adjust enable-nat
(default is: OUTSIDE_IF=eth0).


That's all I need. Now "gateway" works.

And sorry about ethN style descriptions. I'm just confused.

To Summarize

1. Installed Debian Edu Buster "Minimal" in Japanese GUI as "gateway"
   and "main server" with "workstation" profile; 2 amd64 hosts.

2. After all, using new style NIC names for,

  /etc/network/interfaces: auto and iface
  /etc/default/enable-nat: OUTSIDE_IF=enp0s31f6

Even networking.service is still "failed" in "gateway",
I confirmed the gateway NAT functionality by

 first@main$ sudo apt update

using my local Apt-Cacher NG server.

And of course I can browse http://www.debian.org from "main server" now.

Thanks a lot.

Review: DS77U as a "gateway" hardware

BTW, now I confirmed the "Shuttle DS77U" can boot headless.

No display, no keyboard, only two ethernet cables (and a power cable).

I shutdown it, then booted again. It works as "gateway".

I did a simple benchmark on it, too.

 first@tjener$ dd if=/dev/random of=junk bs=1K count=100K
 104857600 bytes (105 MB, 100 MiB) copied, 37.2854 s, 2.8 MB/s
 first@tjener$ scp junk user@my_local_proxy:~/
 junk                                          100% 100MB 56.8MB/s 00:01

56MB/sec seems not so bad, since I use a cheap gigabit L2 switch
with cheap CAT6 UTP cables.

Network Topology:

 Internet - router - L2 - "gateway" - L2 - "tjener"
                     + Apt-Cacher and Squid (my_local_proxy above)
                       (and other machines)

I think this tiny solid box is useful as a Linux router, as a "gateway".

Some notes

* I removed "xserver-xorg-video-intel" and Firefox in "tjener"
  can smoothly play videos, both in window and full screen.
  (since I use Kaby Lake.)

* lm-sensors seems fine; after sensors-detect, it reads CPU temps.
  My "tjener" M/B has onboard temp display, so I think I confirmed
  the values are correct.

Perhaps those kind of reports be sent as installation-reports,
including "gateway" (after I create some reportbug user account on it.)

Japanese env comments

It seems Japanese input method editors are available in
both uim-anthy and mozc. They work.

For UI fonts, Xfce uses VLGothic, a fine and "cute-style" Japanese font.
As an educational purpose, it is a nice choice, I think.

Apps such like Firefox, LibreOffice, and even Scratch has Japanese
translations. Some others edu related has almost translated.

GOsa2 has no Japanese translation; but it might be nice not to,
since it's about admin tasks with special technical terms.

* To be honest, I have no idea about translations
  for those important terms in GOsa2, such like "base".

* I'm not familiar with LDAP and Kerberos, too.

If you feel I'm saying something wrong, please tell me.

After this

I'll continue using/testing Edu itself, verifying the Japanese manual.

Thank you a lot.

Finally I got my isolated physical Edu test env. Now I'm very happy.

Any suggestions, any kind of test requests are welcome, of course.

* Currently, "tjener" has only one NIC and no LTSP profile.
* I'm using another amd64 testing machine for another purpose.
* I have a printer but its not available in my test env.
* My Windows hosts are not available for testing.

It is possible to build another amd64 node.
I'll clean install "tjener" with new ISOs in the future.

Since I have working "gateway", sending "real" logs are now possible
and easy, provided I create a normal user on it.

(I manually typed those report's logs...)


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