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Thin client memory requirements?

I just tested booting a thin client using KVM with different memory
settings, to see how low I could go and still get a booting client.

I tested using 128, 96, 64 and 50 MB of RAM (kvm would not allow me to
go lower).  The thin client worked with all these memory settings.
Anyone able to test with less memory?

I could log in using ssh on the thin client and this is the output
from free.

  ltsp:~# free
               total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
  Mem:         47412      46136       1276          0          0      22056
  -/+ buffers/cache:      24080      23332
  Swap:        32760        852      31908

Given that 22MB is cached, I suspect it is possible to get even
further down on the memory requirements.

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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