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Re: Why is acroread so popular, and why are the free alternatives not good enough?

On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 09:00:02AM +0100, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> According to <URL:http://popcon.skolelinux.org/unknown/by_vote>,
> acroread is the most popular package in Debian Edu that is missing in
> Debian.  46% of the population got it installed, and 30% used it last
> week.  Anyone know why it is so popular?  What features does it
> provide that the free PDF viewers do not?  Is there anything we could
> do to fulfil this need with free software?
> Happy hacking,
> -- 
> Petter Reinholdtsen
Maybe its that folks see websites asking for acrobat and that acroread
is what adobe makes in linux, so folks just install it. So maybe these
folks need to be educated that evince is just as good and can now
fill-in forms. Although it maybe that folks tried evince and found
something lacking which lead to them installing acroread. I have using
evince for a while and I have no need for acroread since I started using
it, so that is just my experience. Is there somewhere in the -edu
install, notes, etc. to tell folks 'you don't need acroread'?
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