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nonfree-flashplugin in debian-edu etch


the Debian 4.0r3 point release will feature the removal of the 
nonfree-flashplugin package from etch, because it cannot be maintained 
properly in a stable Debian release. It will be available from backports.org 
(bpo) and our manual has excellent instructions how to use backports.org. 

I seem to recall the paragraph about installaing nonfreee-flashplugin needs an 
update now and will then need another update - but thats relativly minor.

I wonder if we should upload the very same package from bpo to our archive. To 
etch-test and then eventually move it to our etch. And if so, should we use a 
lower version number as in bpo (by adding ~edu.etch+1) or just upload from 
exactly the same source? It is the same after all.

I wouldnt bother with lenny, we should rather test gnash and libswf-dec in 
lenny and report problems upstream.


P.S.: when the package is removed from Debian, it stays on the users system, 
so no (feature) functionality is lost. What will be lost, are automatic 
security updates.

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