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policy for pools?


I am curious about the future situation of the pool-handling, means the 
skolelinux pools of packages.

My question is how we will do our work in the future?
Is there a policy for uploading packages to skolelinux?
Ok we have three kinds of packages.

1. Backports
2. native skolelinux packages (LTSP, webmin*stuff, ...)
3. own skolelinux packages (keep the minimum because we are normally including 
all packages into Debian)

So this was just the current summary.
Currently Finn-Arne is working on reprepro and on a transition to get the 
current pools in reprepro, then we will have an upload queue in the future
(Thanks for that finnarne, although i am bothering you all the time with 

My question now is do we need a policy?
Will we make a keyring with gpg keys for uploading, or will we accept packages 
from everyone?
Will we make source-only uploads? (I prefer not to make it, but will mention 
it as a possibility).
Who can upload packages? 
Who is interested in that?
Is there a need for help on archive (reprepro)?

Maybe some specifications about uploading after the transition.

So what do you think on this topic???

Please take this mail as the start of a discussion or reject it if you see no 
need in discussing it, i just write this mail because i want to talk about 


P.S. If someone of you will come to the meeting in january and need 
accomodation for some more days during the week because of a cheaper flight 
or so just let me know i will find a way ;)

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