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PreRelease 04 of Sarge-based Debian-edu

Small, but for those who want to install a ltsp-only (or
workstation-only) important, changes:

Things that were lost from the CD:
 cfengine2, cfengine2-doc - Some bug made cfengine2 hickup when not
                            installing server
New Packages on the CD:
  cfengine - to be replaced with cfengine2, when bug is found and fixed
  exim4-daemon-heavy - to be used with ldap to get a working mail setup
  ext2resize - to resize ext2 and ext3 file systems
  libdb4.1 - I've got no clue on why this made it onto the cd
Debian-edu-config upgraded to 0.398+svn3920 (from 0.398)
  * Morten Werner Olsen
    - Added LDAP-database dump script (tools/ldapdump.sh)
    - Added etc/slbackup/pre.d to debian/dirs
    - Added a cfengine-hook that symlinks the tools/ldapdump.sh into
      /etc/slbackup/pre.d/ (fixes Skolelinux bug #923)
 * Petter Reinholdtsen
   - Fix typo in testsuite/webcache, using correct argument to find.
 * Maximilian Wilhelm
   - Added exim4 LDAP configuration for server and client (#276769)
 * Finn-Arne Johansen
   - make cfengine-debian-edu work with both cfengine and cfengine2
   - Fixed detection of 2.4-kernel
   - Included the munin cfengine script, and fixed the munin script
   - Better detection of group installation for cfengine
   - Fixed mozilla-firefox proxy and printer settings
     (but forgot to update the changelog)

The new image is availible from developer by rsync(preffered if you have
an old image) or ftp.
with rsync (all on one line):
ftp.skolelinux.no::skolelinux-sarge/debian-edu_sarge-i386-pr04.iso .

or with FTP

For known bugs an limitations, please look at

oh yes - the Checksum of the image is 870a5feccbff5b9f4781988a81686deb

Finn-Arne Johansen
faj@bzz.no http://bzz.no/
PreRelease manager for sarge-based Debian-edu

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