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Re: From Gleducar

mandag 20 september 2004, 20:47, skrev Daniel Ajoy:
> It's leader, Adrián Staffolani, has asked me to contact you
> to express our thanks for the wonderful distro that is
> Skolelinux.
> Skolelinux is exactly what we have been looking for our
> project as we have been setting up ltsp classrooms from
> some time now:
> http://www.lugli.org.ar/wiki/bin/view/Gleduwiki/GleduAlbum

Thanks for a nice feedback is really motivating :-).

> We are very interested in becoming part of your project
> by providing Spanish translations as needed and helping
> to improve the distribution.

This is great! We are really in need of your helping hands with both
translations and testing. 

> How should we start this collaboration?

When it comes to translation of user programs, the Spanish[1] speaking
people are head away other countries both with GNOME[2] and KDE[3]

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argentina
[2] http://l10n-status.gnome.org/gnome-2.6/index.html
[3] http://i18n.kde.org/stats/gui/KDE_3_2_BRANCH/index.php

When it comes to documentation[4] and web-publishing of user centric
documentation, we really needs a helping hand. Unfortunately we
currently have a older "ICT Administration Manual" thats translated to
English. Klaus Ade Johnstad has made a new and better book[5],
"Running a Skolelinux network". He will reorganize the book this
autumn to include more feedback from teachers from many of the > 125
schools that uses Skolelinux in Norway. Anyway, when the "Running a
Skolelinux network" is translated to English, we really need it
translated to Spanish. We also need translations of a lot of documents
with tips and tricks[6][7] that makes the daily running operations
with Skolelinux a breeze.

[4] http://www.skolelinux.org/portal/documentation/manuals/
[5] http://www.skolelinux.org/no/documentation/manuals/driftbok
[6] http://www.skolelinux.org/portal/documentation/index_html
[7] http://developer.skolelinux.no/dokumentasjon/

We are now in a process of making the Skolelinux/Debian Edu ready for
Debian sarge[8] (the next version of Debian). I need some more
information about where to find this test edition. The welcome.msg[9]
is not updated yet :-)

[8] ftp://ftp.skolelinux.no/cd-sarge/
[9] ftp://ftp.skolelinux.no/welcome.msg

The way to start is to subscribe to the debian-edu mailing list[10].

[10] http://lists.debian.org/debian-edu/

Then you need a cvs-account on the Skolelinux developer server[11]: 

[11] http://developer.skolelinux.no/cvsusage.html.en

Then you need mentoring to help you with lot of the "what to do now"
questions :-). Mentoring is done at the IRC-channel #debian-edu at the
server: irc.debian.org and on the mailing list.

When your contributors have joined the mailing list and the
irc.debian.org #debian-edu, we'll take it from there :-). 


Knut Yrivn
Project manager (cel: +47 908 95 765) Skolelinux Norway and OpenOffice
translation to Norwegian. Office 1: SLX Debian Labs Forskningsparken,
Gaustadalle 21, 0349 OSLO, NORWAY. Office 2: IT-Staff Akershus County
Council, Schweigaards gate 4, 0185 OSLO, NORWAY

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