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weekly report week 22, 23

This is a combined report of work accomplished and things done at
DebConf4 over the last 2 weeks. Actually most of the report covers the
first week; I have spent most of the last week being in transit, sick,
or both.

	- Various work on d-i release. Test candidate 1 was done during
	  debconf4, but another test candidate may be needed before the
	  final release candidate to fix issues on less used arches.
	- Attended Skolelinux BOF (summary below).
	- Meeting with Mark Shuttleworth and Co about cooperation with
	  debian-edu (summary below).
	- Talked over security update plans with various people.
	- Worked with the debian-np group, who are adapting debian-edu
	  to their custom Debian distribution.
	- Worked with Petter and Jeff Liquia (actually, they did most of
	  the work) on making pickaxe support building d-i CDs. This may
	  eventually be used for debian-cd CDs.
	- On the plane back, rewrote tasksel; the new one is debconf 
	  pre-seedable and will play better with debian-edu eventually.

Goals for next week:

	- Write up testing security updates proposal.
	- More work on debian-edu sarge CDs
	- Build out my test lab at the house.

Summary of the Skolelinux BOF:

The people attending this BOF included:
	Petter - skolelinux builder, etc
	Joey - debian-edu sarge issues, security, etc
	Andreas - user admin, international coordination, etc
	Mattias Klose - generally interested
	Holger Levsen - fai, custom distros, d-i + fai
	Lartin Langholf - in NZ, has grant for tertiary educaton there
	Christian Perrier - d-i, l10n, i18n
	Konstantinos M. - interested in skolelinux in Greek schools, l10n

We discussed some skolelinux background, including the history of the
project, the skolelinux/debian-edu naming. We went over the network
architecture diagram in some detail, and discussed real-world load issues.

Attendees discussed various country-specific needs:
	- in Germany, teachers require a way to turn off all monitors
	- in Greece, kde l10n work needed

There was also some discussion about pupil cheating issues, including
use of SE Linux, and ways to detect cheating.

Summary of the Shuttleworth meeting:

Petter, Andreas, Konstantinos and I met with Mark Shuttleworth, the
founder of the as-yet unnamed company variously known as the Warthogs,
the Shuttleworth group, etc. We discussed ways that we could work
together; they think they can add most of the Skolelinux packages to
their "supported" list, which would let us base releases on their
twice-yearly Debian-derived releases, and get things like security
fixes. They need a list of packages to see about doing this. (I think
Petter was going to provide it?) Nothing final on this point, just the
possibility is there. We also talked about the School Tool school admin 
project that Mark Shuttleworth founded, and a project he started in
South Africa to get linux into schools.

see shy jo

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