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Fwd: We need your help

Me llego este mail, alguien se va a pedir mini CD's  de Debian Squeeze ?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Debian CD Project <info@debiancd.org>
Date: 2011/2/18
Subject: We need your help
To: Jorge Hernández <lesthack@gmail.com>

Dear Jorge Hernández,

As you know, about one week ago the Debian mini CDs are available from
our website. We made a big work, and now we need your help too.

Till now from Mexico only 13 Debian users ordered a disc, and we think
the most of the users there don't know about us.

How can you help?
- If you have a Facebook account, please visit our Facebook page, and
click on the LIKE button: http://www.debiancd.org/facebook
- Write us your idea how can we make our discs more popular

We are a non-profit group of people, planning to give all the profit
from our CDs to the Debian Project.

Best regards,

Debian CD Project

If we disturb you, please write us, and it will never happen again.


ISC. Jorge Luis Hernández C.
Desarrollador de Software y Tecnologías Libres

Colaborador GNU/Linux Debian México

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