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Announcing the Mini-DebConf Mumbai 2015 CFP

Hello everyone,

The 2015 Mini-DebConf [1], to be held at Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai on the 17th and 18th of January, is now seeking presenters. The call for papers is now out (started on 26th January) and registrations will open soon.

If you are interested in presenting papers / talks or conducting workshops / hands-on sessions, please submit an abstract of 100 to 200 words describing the topic, including its relevance to Debian, to this email address:

debian [at] shieldofachilles [dot] in

Please provide links to the code, if it is Free Software.

If you have any questions, you can mail them to the Mini-DebConf India Mailing list [2] or drop into our IRC channel #debian-in [3] on the OFTC network.  Looking forward to have you at the event.

[1] http://in2015.mini.debconf.org/
[2] http://lists.debconf.org/mailman/listinfo/in.mini/
[3] https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=debian-in

Warm Regards,

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