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Re: Report on First Debian user meetup in Bangalore

On Sunday 05 October 2014 02:50 PM, Ritesh Raj Sarraf wrote:
Users not using systemd have 2 options.

1) Use packages like prevent-systemd or systemd-must-die from the wookware archive. http://wookware.org/software/repo/
This former will still make systemd installed. The latter denies systemd installation which also makes the above mentioned packages dropped.

2) Find (or write your own) equivalents of polkit and udisks2, which can fill in the gaps for those use cases.

For Option 2, to start with, we can look at building a stripped down equivalent of udisks2. Linux kernel is event based. For all devices that are added / removed / changed, the kernel emits an event. The kernel's event propagating tool is udev. There is a library in Python, python-pyudev, which could be used to write a GUI tool, to act on these events and provide the user with an interface accordingly.

>>> for device in context.list_devices(subsystem='block', DEVTYPE='partition'):
...     print('{0} ({1})'.format(device.device_node, device.get('ID_FS_TYPE')))
/dev/sda1 (ext3)
/dev/sda2 (swap)
/dev/sda3 (ext4)

I am not sure what options we have in the kFreeBSD world. Perhaps Deepak can shed some light.

Ritesh Raj Sarraf
RESEARCHUT - http://www.researchut.com
"Necessity is the mother of invention."

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