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advertise feature added by 465282


recently,  dpkg  1.14.17 introduces a feature
 "dpkg-dev: Set a set of compiler flags for a build"
that implements what is explained in  BTS 465282 .

Since not everyone reads debian-devel (too much traffic), this
may be uknown to many people; maybe  you dpkg developers
should send a mail to d-devel-announce, has you did
recently for other important changes.

For example, in my case this new feature breaks compilation of mplayer
, as explained in bug 475973 ; I would have loved to know
about that new feature from d-devel-announce.



Andrea Mennucc

"The EULA sounds like it was written by a team of lawyers who want to tell 
me what I can't do, and the GPL sounds like it was written by a human 
being who wants me to know what I can do."
Anonymous,    http://www.securityfocus.com/columnists/420

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