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Bug#298585: Not a bug

> Thomas Hood <jdthood@aglu.demon.nl> writes:
> Why can't start-stop-daemon check the pidfile after stopping the
> daemon and remove it if left around?

I see nothing wrong with that behavior except for the fact that it
is different from the current behavior.  The current behavior is
reasonable, so I wouldn't advise changing it.  People use
start-stop-daemon in a variety of ways and often make assumptions
that the program works exactly as it does now.

> Also what happens when "-m|--make-pidfile" is used? In that case I
> would think it is start-stop-daemons job to cleanup.

Hmm, that's an idea.  Currently "--make-pidfile" has no defined
meaning when used with "--stop".  The meaning could be defined to be
"delete the pidfile after stop".  That makes sense as a wishlist item.


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