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Bug#154468: dpkg-dev: dpkg-buildpackage could make building debug versions easier

Previously Marius Gedminas wrote:
> But aren't the Debian binary and source package formats described in
> the same place?

No. Documentation for the dpkg package formats is present in the
dpkg package in the form of manpages and the (currently still
unreleased) dpkg reference manual.

Debian adds a whole set of policies on top of that, and
DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS is one of those.

> To me DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS seems like an interface to pass additional
> options to debian/rules script, and thus a part of the Debian source
> package format that dpkg-dev deals with.

The interface used are environment variables. dpkg-buildpackage and
other tools don't mess with the environment so you can use those to
supply information to debian/rules which isn't required by dpkg.


 /wichert@wiggy.net         This space intentionally left occupied \
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