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Re: Fwd: dpkg triggers

(please honour my headers and do not cc me on list posts)

Previously Russell Coker wrote:
> There's two issues, the trigger script giving an error, and the postinst etc 
> giving an error.

Of course.

> If the postinst gives an error then my script must still be run (doing 
> otherwise may leave the system in a state where it's impossible to login).  

That's positively nasty, it means you end up with continuing while we
know we are in an error state.

> If my script was to return an error then I think that dpkg should consider it 
> to be the same as if the postinst had returned an error and leave the package 
> unconfigured.

Absolutely not, a failed trigger is a completely seperate thing from a
failed postinst. It is a different package for one thing.

I'm starting to dislike the whole SELinux thing more and more, I suspect
this can be done a lot simpler with a different approach.


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