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Re: RFI: debiandoc-sgml V2

 Ardo van Rangelrooij <ardo@debian.org> écrivait :
  « Hi,


  « > 4. Debiandic-sgml to DocBook XML converter.
  « > 
  « > I assume is is quite feasible for Ardo to make one by changing HTML
  « > converter.
  « I've been talking to Mark Johnson about that I think DebianDoc should be
  « positioned between DccBook-Lite and DocBook, and that we should provide
  « converters from DccBook-Lite to DebianDoc and from DebianDoc to DocBook
  « to allow projects to move to a more suitable DTD if their needs change.

I have written a script "debiandoc2docbookxml" which does the conversion
between debiandoc sgml and docbook-xml.
1) the sgml file is normalized with "sgml2xml" : it has become an xml file.
2) A  XSLT stylesheet converts that xml file into a docbook-xml file.

It is a work in progress. Many things to do.(See the Readme file).

I would be very happy if you would take a look at that script :
it is attached to the mail.

Best regards,

philippe batailler
in girum imus nocte et consumimur igni

Attachment: Debiandoc2docbookxml.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

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