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Re: need volunteer for dpkg manpage

At a unique point in space and time,
	Christian Schwarz <schwarz@monet.m.isar.de> wrote:
> Hi folks!
> It's really a shame: Our beautiful system is based on "dpkg" and the
> Policy says that _every_ program has to have a manual page, but the
> "dpkg*" man pages are very old and inaccurate.
> So, I think it's time to change this (before we start discussing any SGML
> stuff :-)
> This is what's to do:
>    1. Update dpkg(8) manpage
>    2. Update dselect(8) manpage
>    3. Split dpkg-source(1) manpage into several pages (one for each
>       command)
>    4. Send new manpages to Klee to get it into the next dpkg release
> It would be nice if we could have a volunteer for this. I'm sure, every
> user would thank you for that. (And don't tell me you're not good in
> writing documentation ;-)

I am willing to take a shot at this, for the sole sake of getting rid of
old bugs. However, I am totally new to writing man pages and especially to
utilities like troff and groff. Are there HOWTO documents, web pages or
other information I should read? Should I join the Debian Documentation
Project? I already joined the debian-doc mailing list. I am currently not
a developer, but I am willing to become one.


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