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Re: i386 in the future (was Re: 64-bit time_t transition for 32-bit archs: a proposal)

Le mer. 31 mai 2023 à 12:44, Wouter Verhelst <wouter@debian.org> a écrit :
> 20+ year old machines are typically more power hungry, more expensive,
> less performant, and less reliable than an up-to-date raspberry pi.

Embedded systems and medical one can be crazily expensive to maintain
and even more to replace but some will run on i386 for a long time more
(had to manage some still running on DOS recently ...),
there's also much of amd64 HW running on i386 because of lazyness/cost
for hybrid fleets; energy efficiency is there the least of concerns.

Some things _do_ start to fall apart: some nasty memory corruption bug in nginx
that only shows up on i386 code path ... :-(


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