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Re: Git Packaging: Native source formats

On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 09:05:45AM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Ian Jackson <ijackson@chiark.greenend.org.uk> writes:
> > This is also not that hard, in simple cases.  There is a tool
> > git-debcherry which can do it automatically.  I haven't used it but AIUI
> > if your Debian delta queue has few commits, and doesn't have commits
> > which involve merge conflicts with upstream merges (basically, if each
> > change is carried Debian only for a short time), it will always produce
> > the nice output you would hope for.
> This lets you generate the patches for people on demand, but they aren't
> just sitting out there for anyone to look at whenever they want.
> I suppose it could be provided as an automated service that publishes the
> results, but that would be a piece of infrastructure someone has to run.

Since git-debcherry is used to export the patches when creating the
source package, such a service already exists -- https://sources.debian.org/

Now, git-debcherry doesn't always make the most human consumable patch
series.  For example, the neovim 0.3.4-3[0] upload in which I
cherry-picked a large number of patches for a security fix.  Rather than
having distinct patches for most of those commits, they were mostly
munged into a single "debcherry fixup" patch.

[0]: https://sources.debian.org/src/neovim/0.3.4-3/debian/patches/

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