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Re: Git Packaging: Native source formats

On 2019-08-28 16:00:10 -0400 (-0400), Sam Hartman wrote:
> It seems particularly attractive when upstream doesn't produce
> tarballs and instead does their development in git.

Not to be a pedant, and it probably wasn't what you meant to imply
either, but I want to be clear that upstreams can produce tarballs
as their official distribution format while also performing their
development in Git repositories. In some cases where I'm directly
involved, information like changelogs, release notes and version
numbers are handled as Git metadata and then "exported" into the
tarball artifact via a sort of `make dist` activity. The signed
tarballs are treated as the actual release artifact, and the Git
repositories are considered an upstream development implementation

While some package maintainers may see this as a reason to prefer
packaging those projects directly from tagged Git repository states,
that does necessarily imply performing similar steps to generate or
extract this metadata for use in their packages. Others may simply
wish to consume the prepared tarballs where this step has already
been performed for them.
Jeremy Stanley

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