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Re: Lots and lots of tiny node.js packages

On Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 9:04 AM, Russ Allbery wrote:

> If upstream themselves aggregates, then this works well.  (See, for
> instance, TeX Live, which is basically an upstream aggregation of
> independently-released packages.)  That gets its own version number and
> its own unique existence and someone else is doing integration and release
> management upstream of us and we can reuse some of their work.
> But if we were going to do that, I think we would almost have to run a
> separate TeX-Live-style project as an artificial upstream for Debian
> packaging and do all the work that the TeX Live folks do to assemble that
> distribution.  And that's even *more* work than the Node packagers are
> already putting in, of somewhat dubious benefit (since it would only be to
> reduce package metadata).

Personally I think that even upstream aggregation on the scale of
XFree86 or TeX Live is annoying and I prefer the more fine-grained
packaging of Xorg, GNOME etc.

The web ecosystem is still changing rapidly, with WebAssembly coming
soon, so probably things are going to look very different for the
Debian buster development cycle.



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