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Re: Jessie without systemd as PID 1?

On Mon, 1 Sep 2014, Steven Chamberlain wrote:

> rejected.  I hope a Blend would be a more constructive approach.  I'm
> thinking sysvinit would be the easiest 'flavour' to implement for

Actually, I think it’s the hardest one.

All others will be task selections run after debootstrap.

Changing the init system in d-i would be done by passing
--include=sysvinit-core --exclude=systemd-sysv and things
like that (the exact set to be determined by people in
the know).

Oh, and afterwards ensure systemd is not re-added. The
prevent-systemd-* package set can do this in three steps,
although I don’t currently see even prevent-systemd-running
(Conflicts mostly with systemd-sysv) being accepted, so
you’d have to pregenerate some APT pinning configuration
and hope it holds.

Yes, I hate users and I want them to suffer.
	-- Marco d'Itri on gmane.linux.debian.devel.general

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