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Re: Automatically satisfying Build-Depends from local control file

On Tue, 16 Apr 2013 21:19:27 -0700
Nikolaus Rath <Nikolaus@rath.org> wrote:

> When downloading a source package from somewhere else, I often find
> myself in the situation that after..
> $ dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc
> Has someone already written a tool to automate this? I.e., parse
> debian/control and run the appropriate apt-get command?

Yes, I have. embuilddeps.

> I think I am *not* looking for apt-get build-deps, because I'm talking
> about source packages not included in an apt repository.

The packages *to install* need to be available from your standard apt
sources but the debian/control file information comes directly from the
same file as dpkg-buildpackage will use, so the source package you are
trying to build does not need to appear in your apt sources cache.

embuilddeps is designed for (old-style) cross-building dependency
resolution but the first step is to do native build-deps so that the
tools are available and it is this stage you need. Just omit the -a

There is a simulate / dry-run option as well to check what it is about
to do.

$ dpkg -S embuilddeps
xapt: /usr/sbin/embuilddeps

apt-get install xapt


Neil Williams

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