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Re: Debian Project News - February 4th, 2013



On Montag, 4. Februar 2013, Francesca Ciceri wrote:

> DebConf13 venue and dates

> -------------------------


> Moray Allan and Didier Raboud gave some updates on the upcoming

> DebConf13 [1] to be held at Le Camp in Vaumarcus, Switzerland [2]. In

> the blogpost, they confirmed that the conference will take place from 11

> to 18 August. This year, for budget reasons, the DebCamp - during which

> usually the various Debian teams meet to work on specific issues and

> projects - will be held during the same week as the conference.


the last part of this is not really right, we're still trying to have a few days of proper DebCamp at least, but this depends on how much money will be available (and on a few other things as well.


IOW: things are not set in stone yet, except the dates + location for DebConf proper are fixed. For everything else, we have plans + more ideas, but this all depends on money and volunteer power.


So, yes, we are still looking for sponsors, if you want to help here, please go to http://debconf13.debconf.org/become-sponsor.xhtml





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