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Re: No native packages?

[Benjamin Drung]
> Image the opposite. You want to package a software that is only
> available in a downstream distribution (e.g. Ubuntu or Linux
> Mint). Do you prefer to have a non-native format or a native format?

If their native format is an archive in gzipped tar file format, like
ours is, I'm not sure I would care, if I even _notice_, that there is
packaging metadata for some other operating system in there.  In fact
it's not at all uncommon for upstream projects to ship .spec files,
.vcproj files, and other platform-specific build infrastructure.

Maybe you're thinking of the inconvenience of the top-level 'debian'
directory, which is rather inflexible in that all Debian distributions
and derivatives use the same path for their own use, but that ceased to
be a problem several dpkg releases ago.

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