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Re: Suggestion about minor improvements to default bashrc

Le Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 06:19:02PM +0100, Simon Johnsson a écrit :
> Hello, this is my first minor contribution to Debian, but as it's my
> Linux distribution of choise and the only one I chose to work with I
> have found minor improvements that perhaps can be of use.

Dear Simon,

thank you for trying to improve Debian.

The .bashrc file in fresh user accounts is derived from /etc/skel/.bashrc,
which is created by the base-files package.  To make your suggestion, you would
therefore report a bug with a severity wishlist against this package.

This said, be prepared to be disappointed by the answer.  On a distribution
that targets a broad range of users, /etc/skel/.bashrc, can only be minimal.
Imagine that your alias pleases 90 % of the users and annoys the 10 %
remaining.  With a bunch of aliases that have non-overlapping user bases, we
would quickly grow towards a very high probablity of annoying any of our users
by default...

But there are countless other ways where you can help Debian.  You can have a
look at http://www.debian.org/intro/help for a start.

Have a nice Sunday,

Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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