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Re: On init in Debian

On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 9:39 AM, Ritesh Raj Sarraf <rrs@researchut.com> wrote:

> Today, on my typical laptop, boot is not the most important task. It
> is better to have something well working, fixable (being mere shell
> scripts and that's what your friend is also pointing). sysvinit serves
> this purpose well.

booting is just one of the things systemd/upstart changes.

I was working with a daemon yesterday (conserver-server, FWIW) and I performed:

invoke-rc.d conserver-server restart

This did not *successfully* restart the daemon. The daemon spawned
some ssh tunnels. These were forked off and had a parent PID of 1, did
not terminate, and caused a the daemon to not start correctly. It is
my understanding that systemd (not sure about upstart) would correctly
handle scenarios like this (by using cgroups.)

Switching gears...

If systemd becomes as widespread as pulseaudio (is becoming), we may
not have much of a choice about using it or not using it. If a
critical mass of upstreams use it, we will be somewhat forced to use
it. In 3-5 years instead of talking about sysvinit replacements and
the mechanics involved, we will be talking about how to retrofit our
packages to work around (or without) systemd.


-matt zagrabelny

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