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Re: Spending Debian money for porter boxes [Was: The archive now supports xz compression]

On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 08:45:18PM +0200, Mike Hommey wrote:
> > Wouldn't it be better to get more buildds for those archs, then?
> > That would be a totally appropriate use of Debian money...
> Speaking of which. It would also totally be an appropriate use of Debian
> money to get new porter boxes that fit the buildds. Most of the non x86
> porter boxes are pathetically slow, which is even sadder when you know
> the buildd boxes for the same architectures are an order of magnitude
> faster (and I'm almost not exagerating).

I concur and I'll be happy to approve such usage of Debian money. FWIW,
what is needed to make this kind of things happen is not really money.
What is missing is rather a bit of coordination of people that: 1) keep
track of what hardware we need, 2) take the time to do a first check if
we have vendors interested in donating that hardware, 3) fallback to get
a quote of the needed hardware, 4) get back to the DPL saying "we need
that and it costs XXX, can we have it?".

That sort of hw coordination is what we need at present. Without it,
just saying "$foo would be a good use of Debian money" won't fly.

And while we are at it, DSA is well aware of the need of such a role and
I've on my TODO list to call for help for people interested on working
together with DSA on the above topics. I was planning to mention it in
the forthcoming bits from the DPL, but I guess that repeating it here
won't hurt...

Any taker?


PS Cc:-ing -admin that can for sure explain better than me what the hw
   coordination role should be about
Stefano Zacchiroli -o- PhD in Computer Science \ PostDoc @ Univ. Paris 7
zack@{upsilon.cc,pps.jussieu.fr,debian.org} -<>- http://upsilon.cc/zack/
Quando anche i santi ti voltano le spalle, |  .  |. I've fans everywhere
ti resta John Fante -- V. Capossela .......| ..: |.......... -- C. Adams

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