Call for teams interested in collaborating on a 'standard' Git workflow
It seems that many different teams have recently switched to Git, or are
considering switching. But each of them seems to re-implement the wheel
by designing their own Git workflow.
I think that it would be fantastic if we could collaborate on defining
a common Git workflow.
- build on the experience of other teams
- easier for maintainers who are active in several teams
- share the documentation work, get better documentation
- might require a migration when switching to that 'standard' workflow
I'm mostly interested in teams that maintain a large number of easy
packages with at most a handful of patches, not in teams that maintain a
few, complicated packages. I'm not sure if we can find a workflow that
suits both (but if we can, that's great, and I don't want to exclude
those teams from the discussion).
People from the Ruby, Perl and Java teams already expressed interest.
If you are interested in participating (which doesn't mean that you
commit on behalf of your team to switch to that workflow, just that you
want to participate in the discussions), add yourself (and your team) to If more than 3 teams are
interested in a BOF at DC11, I'll try to organize one on saturday (all
the video-broadcasted slots are taken, but we will make sure to take
notes). If the BOF doesn't happen, I'll contact interested people to see
how to continue.
I realize that it's unlikely that we will find a unique workflow that
fits everybody. But we can probably converge on many things, and then
document the few widely-used alternatives for the rest.
- Lucas
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