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Re: distinguish between "core" and "main"?

Harald Dunkel <harri@afaics.de> writes:
> On 06/06/11 07:06, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> I still think this whole conversation is based on a false premise.  I
>> think the original request originated from a belief that there is some
>> separable part of "core" Debian which could be held stable, and that
>> keeping that portion stable while using testing packages for everything
>> else would improve the stability of the system.

> Not exactly. I would like to get a stable build and runtime environment
> for the packages in main/testing.

Yes, that's what I'm saying doesn't actually exist.  There isn't, in
Debian, such a thing as a "build and runtime environment" that's separate
from the packages.  The packages *are* the build and runtime environment.

It's kind of like asking for walls separate from your house.

> I would like to suggest to keep these core packages in a seperate
> repository, though.

> The core should be self-contained. I would guess you doubt that this is
> possible?

More just irrelevant.  It doesn't matter whether the core is
self-contained for what you're proposing.  The problem is that the
packages that you want to run depend on newer versions of the packages
that you consider core, for basically any useful definition of "core."

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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