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Re: Of the use of native packages for programs not specific to Debian.

Le Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 12:51:14AM +0200, Wouter Verhelst a écrit :
> What I'm trying to discuss here is that Debian Developers who package
> their own software as Debian native packages should be allowed to do so

Hi Wouter and everybody,

it seems to me that the difficulties in this discussion come from the fact that
’native’ is used to mean two different things:

 - Packages using a dpkg format called ‘native’.
 - Software made by Debian for Debian.

This creates confusion, as there are arguments in favor of using the format
called ‘native’ for software not specific to Debian, but on the othe hand there
is a general perception that if a package uses a native format, the software
has special ties to Debian. Interestingly, when the format ‘3.0 (git)’ will be
accepted in our archive, there may be a lot of ‘native’ programs that will be
using a non-native package format.

Maybe the problem could simply solved by renaming one of the two concepts?
Native format could be called ‘direct’, or native packages could be called
’original’, for instance. This would help the Project to keep track of what
programs it is upstream for.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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