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Re: Consistent formating long descriptions as input data (Was: RFC: Better formatting for long descriptions)

On Tue, 21 Apr 2009, Michael Banck wrote:

I for one like visual consistency even when reading package descriptions
via apt-cache etc.

It must be a boring German habit - I always felt this way myself.  I
started some action when I noticed that my feeling turned out to
have technical advantages in the task I wanted to tackle.

So having at least a uniform indentation level (and, if possibly, a
uniform itemize symbol, but this seems to be heavily opposed against)
*as a recommended* way of writing long descriptions would be desirable.

I don't think it warrants filing bugs, though.

Well, *if* something is *recommended* in the docs filing wishlist bugs
against packages that ignore the recommendation are fine.  Why else
should we issue recommendations?

Kind regards



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