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Re: Leverage in licensing discussions

Ansgar Burchardt wrote:
> Johannes Wiedersich wrote:
>> Open sourcing certain firmware might make it easier for 'random script
>> kid' to just try some things out and accidentally causing problems to
>> innocent bystanders.
> How is this different from open source software?  This sounds a bit like
> the argument that OSS is less secure than proprietary software, because
> people cannot read the source and find security holes.  But proprietary
> software has not prevented people from exploiting bugs.
> Making anything closed source to prevent modifications does not make
> anything more secure.  Otherwise, should e.g. Apache be made closed
> software so that 'random script kids' cannot create random security
> holes (and let their computers become part of a bot net causing problems
> to others)?

Do you think it is a risk to anyone's health or life, if someone modifies
apache's source code and sets up a web site using a modified apache?
Or modifies any other code running on her/his computer?

Everyone can simply avoid using anyone else's computer or software, but
you cannot leave the house without encountering other people's cars (at
least in the places were most of us live).

> Regards,
> Ansgar


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